Who we are

  • REPLICAR SOCIALFORM was founded in January 2014 with the goal of contributing to training technicians who work with the elderly and mental health population, bringing awareness to the need of promoting an active and healthy aging, through a multidimensional approach of the elderly and the adult population with neuropsychiatric alterations, providing information, techniques and work tools, that can allow them to perform efficiently and also change the way we care for the elderly, promoting their Independence and their quality of life.
  • Being aware of the difficulties of the third sector and being focused on institutions that support the elderly and deal with mental health, REPLICAR SOCIALFORM develops and provides projects and training specifically conceived to provide a service of excelence.
  • The range of services provided includes several specific and strategically conceived products to use in Geriatrics and Mental Health intervention, contributing to prevent the decline of abilities and mantain their proficiency.


To contribute actively to the quality of life of the elderly and the adult population with cognitive disability by conceiving adequate work instruments, as well as increasing the technicians abilities that work with them.


Developing a differentiating work based on the evaluation of the needs of the geriatric and the adult population with cognitive disability, conceiving programs and instruments that favour the good practices.


  • Professionalism
  • Ethics
  • Proficiency
  • Experience
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation

Quality policy

Institutional commitment: full satisfaction of our clients
REPLICAR SOCIALFORM aims to develop products and provide excellence services, as well as, promoting the ongoing satisfaction of their clients, workers, external trainers and also the board, partners and suppliers. This institucional commitment is defined by the following results: 

Excellence services: a permanent practice
REPLICAR SOCIALFORM is about the excellence as a way of living, achieving in all of its products and services provided to the institutions and technicians, their leaders and workers’ abilities searching for solutions that allow a mutual joining of goals, aiming to anticipate the needs, looking to exceed their expectations.

Continuous improvement of the services
REPLICAR SOCIALFORM will promote a continuous improvement as a way to always do the best, looking at changes as opportunities rather than difficulties.

Citizenship and communication
REPLICAR SOCIALFORM will keep an ethical and responsible behaviour towards the clients, workers, external trainers, suppliers, competitors, government, local government, community and environment through an open, honest and solid communication system. REPLICAR SOCIALFORM will favour partnerships related with the protection, development, innovation and investigation of the elderly.

Quality sustainability
REPLICAR SOCIALFORM looks at their workers and trainers as a key factor to achieve the organization’s excellence. Therefore, they will promote team work, valuing the individual contribution, encouraging their participation in the analysis, preparation and implementation of aiming to improve quality.